Thursday, August 25, 2005

And I Didn't Think I Was an Investor!

I've never bought stocks but back in my halcyon days when I had an American Express card and used it prudently, I bought a set of china.

I was well beyond my newlywed days by then and the china I already had looked embarrassingly ingenue. Amex had enclosed a circular offering 12 place settings plus serving pieces of a Villeroy & Boch pattern for $550.

I didn't hate the pattern and it seemed a pretty good buy, so I ordered it. It's been my special occasion china ever since. It's seen me through many a birthday, Thanksgiving, Rosh Hashana, and the occasional dinner party. Some of the pieces I've used even more often. (I remember one time at 3:00 a.m., working tête à tête with a court reporter on an expedited transcript, serving coffee with the full coffee service just to keep our spirits up and our bodies awake.)

I kept Small Island Trader bookmarked in my viewer and occasionally pondered whether to buy another serving piece or two. (The link goes to my pattern, Botanica.)

Today I checked the bookmark and learned that the link to my pattern had been changed and -- Holy cow! -- so had the cost of the replacement pieces!

I just finished adding up all the pieces I own at the prices they're asking and came up with $2,824.99. I'd say that wasn't too bad for my original $550 (including shipping) investment, but some guru will have to answer the question.*

Is five times the original purchase price in 16 years a good investment?

I was gloating over this discovery when I realized the reason for the price increase on the pattern is because it's probably discontinued.

Discontinued patterns: What dead ladies leave in their estates.

I so much preferred thinking of myself as a savvy investor.

Now I feel old.

*No spam, please.

1 comment:

Kim Flournoy said...

I ran those numbers through a few calculators and it looks like it's about an 11% annual gain. Not too shabby!!!